Affordable Roofing Insurance Can Protect Your Business and Your Workers

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Roofing Insurance

Affordable Roofing Insurance can provide you with a reasonably priced roofing insurance that can protect your business against liability and your roofers when injured. You need roofing insurance because you as a roofer are in one of the most unstable and dangerous industries; as many roofing companies fold, as start-up in the roofing industry in any given year. As far as danger, these recent statistics bear out how dangerous a roofer’s job is:

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation, which is part of your roofing insurance, is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer. This assures you that your roofer can gradually be brought back to work and your operations can be normalized.

General Liability

Affordable Roofing Insurance provides general liability coverage. General liability coverage is critical to your risk management strategy because of the comprehensive protection that it offers to your business. General liability insurance for a roofing contractor usually covers five basic categories of business liability:

Bodily Injury

Physical harm to a person at your place of business, or an injury caused by your employee at a client’s site.

Completed Operations/Products Liability

Losses after your business has completed work for a customer (such as repairing appliances or installing wiring), or from distributing products

Personal Injury 

Damage to the reputation or rights of a person or business due to slander, libel, copyright infringement, invasion or privacy, false arrest, wrongful eviction, etc.

Advertising Injury

Losses caused by your advertising (spoken or written); for example, an ad that trashes a competitor.

Medical Payments

Pays the medical expenses of a person injured on your premises (a customer, client, visitor, or even a trespasser) up to a stated amount, regardless of fault — as a goodwill gesture to prevent lawsuits.

Independent Contractors Liability

Damage from the acts of an independent contractor hired by your business.

Damages Covered Your General Liability Insurance Policy will pay three types of damages:

Compensatory Damages

Financial losses of the claimant, plus additional monetary losses resulting from the claim.

General Damages

For intangible losses (“pain and suffering.” “mental anguish,” etc.)

Punitive Damages

Penalties against your business for committing a wrongful act

You need to have roofing insurance. Affordable Roofing Insurance can give you the protection your roofers and your roofing company deserve at a reasonable price. The extensive coverage general liability can bring you and the protection workers’ compensation offers at Affordable Roofing Insurance price point can’t be beaten.

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