How to Attract Millennials to Your Roofing Business

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Why Millennials

Millennials refer to people born between 1981and 1997. The youngest Millennial will be eighteen this year while the oldest will turn thirty-four in 2015. Their ages make them prime candidates for jobs in the construction/roofing industry because of the physical demands of being a roofer. Furthermore, Millennials possess the technical savvy to operate in a business environment driven by analytics, mobile devices, social media and Internet-generated demands.

However, younger workers, including generation X, have not been attracted to the construction industry in the past few decades. Millennials see the jobs in the trades, such as roofing, as dead-end jobs in unattractive environments. This year they will make up 75.3 million people in the population surpassing Baby Boomers and making them the bulk of our workforce.

Attracting Millennials to your workplace makes fiscal sense on a number of levels. First, this youth make them less likely than older workers to sustain on-the-job injuries that lead to workers’ compensation claims against your roofing insurance. A large percentage of your new clientele will be in their age group, and they will know how to appeal to their fellow Millennial. Finally, the high comfort level they enjoy with technology enable them to adapt easily to an ever-changing cyber landscape.

Collaboration Not Control

“I want to work with you not for you” is a famous Millennial quotation that reflects the need for this generation to be part of the decision-making process. Millennials can take orders, but they need to know their input is valued. They want to feel that they are being managed in a democratic style not a dictatorial one.

Community Oriented

Millennial are community-oriented. This younger generation needs to know that the company they work for cares about the local community. A roofing business can reflect its civic concern in a number of ways, including by routinely recycling any debris generated by its roofing projects. Moreover, by offering volunteer opportunities through the company for community projects like Habitat for Humanity, a roofing business can help satisfy Millennials desire to give back to the community.

Technology Driven

Because millennial lives are so engrossed in technology, they want to work for companies that use cutting-edge technology. If your business needs to improve its technology, hiring a Millennial with superior high-tech skills can update your business. Being technologically current isn’t just an enticement for them, it’s a requirement for business survival.


Millennials have been labeled a generation of “over-achievers”. Because of the labor and passion that they put into their work, they require praise and rewards for jobs well done. It’s important that management makes a habit of recognizing Millennials when they perform in outstanding ways. Bonuses and profit-sharing strategies are another way companies can show their appreciation to them.

Work/Life Balance

Creating a lifestyle that balances career and family demands ranks as a priority for Millennials. Therefore, they like to work for family-friendly companies. Offering flexible schedules, like four ten-hour days with three days off, enables a worker to have more family time. Ample vacation and sick time, medical benefits and maternity leave are also benefits that can attract highly-skilled Millennials to your organization.

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