Roofing Insurance: Your Greatest Marketing Tool

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Roofing Insurance

Roofing insurance is your greatest marketing tool. Your roofing insurance not only provides you with an affordable way to protect your business and workers, but it also safeguards your clients against liability and injury. It’s important that you stress to your clients, as a selling point, how your roofing insurance offers extensive protection for them.

Workers Compensation

Workers compensation, a key piece of your roofing insurance, is hailed because it picks up medical expenses for injured roofers and compensates workers for lost wages. However, roofing insurance plays a strategic role in protecting your clients. If you did not have roofing insurance, your clients might be held liable for the injuries your workers incur while repairing their property. Those liability costs, which would be a lot less than affordable, could mount into significant expenses for your client.


Your roofing insurance through your general liability pays for the damage to a clients’ property. There are many situation where damage to a clients’ property could happen, including falling materials from the roof, actual roof damage or home internal damage due to a leak. These are all situations covered by your roofing insurance. Your roofing insurance allows clients to file claims for any harm that has come to their property due to your work. If the client had to absorb these costs, these damages would not be affordable and would come at a high price.

Bodily Injury

Your roofing via general liability covers a clients’ injuries if they were caused by you. That means that if an accident happens, your customer has the right to seek damages from your roofing insurance. Your roofing insurance will help pay for the harm done by you. This coverage not only includes the initial treatment of the injury, but it also covers medical expenses up to a specified amount. If your customers had to pay for this out of pocket, they would have less than affordable costs, which could add up into the thousands of dollars.


If your client sued you, something you don’t want to happen, your roofing insurance would cover you. For your client, this means that there are funds available through your roofing insurance to pay for a court costs. This piece of roofing insurance may allow clients to sue you with the knowledge that if they win the suit; you have a resource, your roofing insurance. The contingency of being sued isn’t pleasant. However, your being equipped to handle such a liability offers protection to the client in the eventuality that you need to pay out a settlement to your client.

Greatest Marketing Tool

Your roofing insurance is your greatest marketing tool because it provides so many protections. Most insurance policies don’t offer any protection for third parties like clients. Your roofing insurance does provide third party coverage. As a marketing tool, you need to emphasize how well protected your potential clients will be by your roofing insurance.

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